02. Make a Button

Make a Button

For this quiz, all I want you to do is type out the HTML to create a button element.

Buttons may look different based on browser and operating system.

The purpose of this quiz is to make sure that you're using the correct syntax. As you will realize when you build websites, you can write HTML incorrectly — by forgetting a closing tag, for example — and the browser will try to correct your mistake. Sometimes the browser will guess correctly and your website will look fine. But most of the time, it will be wrong and strange bugs will start appearing.

This is a good time to double check that you're creating elements correctly because you'll be writing more complicated HTML soon!

You create button elements the same way you've been creating other elements: <tag>content</tag>. In this case, the tag name is button and the content that comes between the tags will be the text displayed inside the button. Here's more about buttons on the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN).

When you create your button, make sure you include some text content so that the button says something — it can be whatever you want!

If you want to see what your button looks like (you don't have to for this quiz), simply create an HTML file with a button element and open it in your browser!


Enter your code to create a button below.


NOTE: The solutions are expressed in RegEx pattern. Udacity uses these patterns to check the given answer